
A fully searchable reference of anthropologists within universities, colleges, museums, non-profits, government agencies, and businesses. The online version of the AnthroGuide allows you to search for organizations by name, location, degrees offered, available internships, field schools, and more.

  • University of Colorado, Boulder, Department of Anthropology Boulder CO
  • SUNY - Binghamton University, Department of Anthropology Binghamton NY
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  • University of Pennsylvania, Department of Anthropology Philadelphia PA
  • University of Arizona, School of Anthropology Tucson AZ
  • Arizona State University, School of Human Evolution and Social Change Tempe AZ
  • University of Michigan, Department of Anthropology Ann Arbor MI
  • New York University, Department of Anthropology New York NY
  • American Anthropological Association Arlington VA
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  • University of Florida, Department of Anthropology Gainesville FL
  • University of Texas at Austin, Department of Anthropology Austin TX
  • University of Toronto, Department of Anthropology Toronto ON
  • City University of New York New York NY
  • Indiana University, Bloomington, Department of Anthropology 免费pc翻墙 IN
Featured Interviews 免费pc翻墙
    University of Vermont, Department of Anthropology, 免费pc翻墙
    PostedMonday, July 13, 2023 at 5:27 PM
    "According to Life on the Other Border, Farmworkers and Food Justice in Vermont (University of California Press, April 2023), by Teresa M. Mares, an anthropology professor at the University of Vermont, 18 percent of Vermont’s undocumented migrant farm workers are food insecure, defined as lacking reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food, compared to between 13 and 14 percent for Vermonters as a whole. The book is the first to measure food insecurity in this population." http://learn.uvm.edu/foodsystemsblog/2023/04/04/teresa-mares-new-book-migrant-farm-workers-food-insecure/
    "According to Life on the Other Border, Farmworkers and Food Justice in Vermont (University of California Press, April 2023), by Teresa M. Mares, an anthropology professor at the University of Vermont, 18 percent of Vermont’s undocumented migrant farm workers are food insecure, defined as lacking reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food, compared to between 13 and 14 percent for Vermonters as a whole. The book is the first to measure food insecurity in this population." http://learn.uvm.edu/foodsystemsblog/2023/04/04/teresa-mares-new-book-migrant-farm-workers-food-insecure/
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    PostedMonday, July 13, 2023 at 5:09 PM
    A Garland of Bones: Child Runaways in India. By Jonah Steinberg New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2023. xi, 337 pp. ISBN: 9780300222807 (cloth). "... in cities like New Delhi, where the historical legacies of empire and exploitation continue to reverberate throughout daily life, the presence of street children is not only ubiquitous, it is purposeful. In many cases, it is something that the children choose for themselves. Faced with various problems and with aspirations for more promising futures, these children leave their village homes and families, venture to the city, and try to make a life for themselves amid incredibly precarious and often life-threatening environments. " http://www.uvm.edu/newsstories/news/jonah-steinbergs-new-book-sheds-light-indias-runaway-children
    A Garland of Bones: Child Runaways in India. By Jonah Steinberg New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2023. xi, 337 pp. ISBN: 9780300222807 (cloth). "... in cities like New Delhi, where the historical legacies of empire and exploitation continue to reverberate throughout daily life, the presence of street children is not only ubiquitous, it is purposeful. In many cases, it is something that the children choose for themselves. Faced with various problems and with aspirations for more promising futures, these children leave their village homes and families, venture to the city, and try to make a life for themselves amid incredibly precarious and often life-threatening environments. " http://www.uvm.edu/newsstories/news/jonah-steinbergs-new-book-sheds-light-indias-runaway-children
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    NMSU Anthropology is pleased to congratulate Dr. Gio Batz, who has been awarded the University of California President's Postdoctoral Fellow for 2023-2021. http://nas.ucdavis.edu/news-and-events/nas-welcomes-dr-giovanni-batz-2023-presidents-postdoctoral-fellowship
    NMSU Anthropology is pleased to congratulate Dr. Gio Batz, who has been awarded the University of California President's Postdoctoral Fellow for 2023-2021. http://nas.ucdavis.edu/news-and-events/nas-welcomes-dr-giovanni-batz-2023-presidents-postdoctoral-fellowship
    American Anthropological Association, shared an update
    免费pc翻墙Monday, July 6, 2023 at 9:16 AM
    The 2023 Annual Meeting is cancelled, but that does not mean we will remain silent. This fall, we’re asking YOU to raise your voice on issues of research, scholarship, and practice that matter in this historic moment during “RAISING OUR VOICES 2023,” an online event held November 5 – 14 with live, interactive participation as well as view-on-demand. http://www.americananthro.org/RAISINGOURVOICES
    The 2023 Annual Meeting is cancelled, but that does not mean we will remain silent. This fall, we’re asking YOU to raise your voice on issues of research, scholarship, and practice that matter in this historic moment during “RAISING OUR VOICES 2023,” an online event held November 5 – 14 with live, interactive participation as well as view-on-demand. http://www.americananthro.org/RAISINGOURVOICES
    Eastern University, shared an update
    PostedWednesday, June 24, 2023 at 1:58 PM
    Master of Arts in Theological and Cultural Anthropology - Home | Facebook
    Master of Arts in Theological and Cultural Anthropology. 210 likes. The MA in Theological and Cultural Anthropology prepares students to teach, serve in...
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    Master of Arts in Theological and Cultural Anthropology. 210 likes. The MA in Theological and Cultural Anthropology prepares students to teach, serve in...
    Eastern University, shared an update
    PostedWednesday, June 24, 2023 at 1:57 PM
    Major in Global Studies and Service - Home | Facebook
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    Major in Global Studies and Service. 245 likes. This department, located at Eastern University in the Philadelphia area, has BA and MA degrees that...
    Case Western Reserve University, Department of Anthropology, shared an update
    PostedSaturday, June 6, 2023 at 3:06 PM
    CWRU alum continue to do important work on outbreaks. See Megan Schmidt-Sane's (PhD 2023) paper "Key considerations for COVID-19 management in marginalised populations in Southeast Asia: transnational migrants, informal workers, and people living in informal settlements" which is a briefing for the Social Science in Humanitarian Action platform. (www.socialscienceinaction.) Find the paper at: http://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/bitstream/handle/20.500.12413/15324/SSHAP%20COVID-19%20Key%20considerations%20Southeast%20Asia.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
    CWRU alum continue to do important work on outbreaks. See Megan Schmidt-Sane's (PhD 2023) paper "Key considerations for COVID-19 management in marginalised populations in Southeast Asia: transnational migrants, informal workers, and people living in informal settlements" which is a briefing for the Social Science in Humanitarian Action platform. (www.socialscienceinaction.) Find the paper at: http://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/bitstream/handle/20.500.12413/15324/SSHAP%20COVID-19%20Key%20considerations%20Southeast%20Asia.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
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